= books '
= music '
= trax '
= web
the whole country is going mad because of our public tv. bullshit. i think people should start to care about more important things. and sooner.
on the contrary: a very good news: yesterday i've recieved kfmf y2k edition. that means maybe
a thousand of modules! ooops :) i have so many books (and good ones) - but no time to read it all... not to forget: seems that since i started
to think about closing, massage is going more popular than ever - i've got six people
willing to do their specials!
and now: it's time to say good bye to the year 2000. i'd like to thank all friendly people in the world for just being so good. this year was
a very intensive for me and i'm happy for it. i'm also sorry for some stupid things i've done, but all in all i believe we've had a great time.
so let's greet the new millenium - and step into it without fear... there's a lot of beauty in the world...
AdaMM signing off ;]
well well... christmas are over. it was strange. but now i've got lot of things to go through. big thanks to my family - you rule, all!
pulp fiction ost 
vae: possible to rue 
radler studios 
done with the school for the rest of the year. uff :) a xmas special of music massage is
finished, most of the presents are bought and now's the time to prepare some fine sweets :)) wherever you are - merry christmas and
try to remember, that it's not a buisness cult, but a christian festival, huh?
peace and love out there...
back in business. the weekend was... interesting?? not boring indeed. maybe i am a bit confused of it all - probably it just needs
some time to find out about what has happened actually. pirate radiostation? this idea originally came to my mind some three years
ago. but isn't about time to make it? well - stay tuned :) (and write that #&%@$ test instead of me)
md+xhale: appelsap9 xhale mix 

radio 4 all 
next important test was done, some blahblah school works completed. tommorow again in prague.
taropeter: line drop ep remix 
in prague on friday. the weekend was full of xmas preparing. now i've got to finish my school projects. tough.
kenny beltrey: hydrate 
c.d.payne: the further journals of nick twisp

sorry for no updates. ftp server was down. but it was very intensive week. good as well as bad things happened. autumn melancholy still with me.
jean9: saxophone charlie 
r.zelazny: the chronicles of amber

new music.massage is out (ambient-ballad special made by echo/level-d). the weekend will probably
very tough as there's so many things to do... today i've been again enchanced. is it ever gonna end? or it's just a projection i've made?
staying in my mind as an imaginary ideal?
miles davis: doo-bop 
digital media - a piece of cake :) it's actually great to have the possibility to lead my studies this way! písmák is moving forward to a new
level - with me on the board and knihomolna being a part of it. yeah people. we rock! ;) upcoming two days promise something ... special. (mp3s
in the tips? yeah. era is changing.)
prob: emotion ep 

orbital: snivilization 
that damned concert has flown all my sad thoughts away - those three days were so optimistic! i must admit - i should have been
studying - instead of it i've started to read amber and was on net for a long time. shame on me :) tommorow is gonna be a hard day.
oh yeah. back from the caves of shades! i mean - that wicked filip topol is a genius. the concert was everything but laid back.
i know why i don't have such music at home - it would be a good starting point for commiting a suicide. i can't find out how it
is possible that some people have smiled when the show was over. neverthless - today it's gonna be a great day - i can feel it...
some incredible things going on tonite?! 'all we see or seem is just a dream within a dream' said e.a.poe - and he was deffinitely
right. and thus on the other hand - the reality is nothing but our dreams. or? don't blame me. i am a human. the same like you...
m.kundera: the unbearable lightness of being 
falcon: french head rivet 
some more words this time. don't blame me - i know i gotta learn english one day. as for now i am going
to buy a really good dictionary ;]
ok. back in normal life. the písmák party was a great event! actually meeting new people was great. see you all again :) now going
offline - i need sleep!
haven't slept all night due to work on next issue of music massage. going to ostrava
today - and yet between a schoolwork about warsaw pact - i must be completly crazy!
officialy matriculated on university. just a dull show. there's a meeting of písmák fans
this weekend in Ostrava. looking forward happily :) also future plans about knihomolna
are to be discussed.
not just us elections are stupid. here it's shit too... i've been working on g.orwell flash site -
we are doing a great job :) also test seemed to be fucked up very well ;-)))
time to rest - first test (international politics) is left behind - hope it all turns ok :) when
i see some of my friends - i must admit my school is just great. but what's worse than school
itself - infulence it has upon some of my favourite people - sociology and psychology seem to be
dangerous. those who study them tend to fall into deep hypocrisy. or it's me changing? i'm quite
confused of it all...
nitin sawhney: beyond skin 
parking lot is full 
i wrote a new short story! after maybe a year! published on písmák (a czech
literature server). swettr's literature works are just genious. pity we are czech and people not familiar with
our language cannot enjoy them...
v.jamek: krkavčí múza 
kenny beltrey: bleak 
air: moon safari 
ok. a new massage is out, this time prepared by title. yesterday we have made
another fine literature session. about h.p.lovecraft. and lot of our own writings of koz.
a very productive day indeed! seems that my new schoolmates are really interesting people - thanx to magda, lukash and bobotic!
anyway - the incoming week will be everything but laid back. i've installed icq - my number is 96176354. later...
j.d.salinger: a catcher in the rye 
octoque: i'll be the distant stars 
orbital: in the middle of nowhere 
i need sleep! but all my addictions are stronger ;) someone said that the time for another comics came.. we'll see.
lachtan played really cute.
w98 installed. site updated. mind open. please stay tuned...
manio-depressive? i've seen stalker. a deep story.
m.bulgakov: the master and margarita

andromeda: edge of destruction 
a new massage is out.
design exists :) my homepage finally completed.
m.ajvaz: návrat starého varana

moby: play 
title: amewlet 