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Linki / Links

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Edit this page to see how it is done. Practice these rules in the SandBox.

- Also, refer to the official list of Tavi:FormalFormattingRules to see all the possibilities and their combinations.

You can create (free links)? that aren't WordsSmashedTogether. Type them like this: ((free links)). (This is an option that is turned on in this wiki. WikkiTikkiTavi allows you to turn (free links)? off if you want only the classic Wiki link style.)

You may also create links with spaces in them, find out more over at SplitWikiNames (eg; (Split Wiki Names)?)

''italic text'' becomes italic text

'''bold text''' becomes bold text

'''''bold italic text''''' becomes bold italic text

{{monospace text}} becomes monospace text

---- becomes a horizontal rule:

As of 0.25 there also exists this markup for text formatting (note that starting a line with ** produces a bullet list item; this can be resolved by placing a space before **):

**bold** becomes bold
//italics// becomes italics
^^superscript^^ becomes superscript
,,subscript,, becomes subscript
--deletions-- becomes deletions
++insertions++ becomes insertions

Create a remote link simply by typing its URL:

If you like, enclose it in brackets to create a numbered reference and avoid cluttering the page; [] becomes [1].

Or you can have a description instead of a numbered reference; [ NY Times] becomes [NY Times].

You can put a picture in a page by typing the URL to the picture (it must end in gif, jpg, or png). For example, becomes

You can link to some other sites by typing shortcuts. See InterWiki for more details. For example,


You can indent by starting a paragraph with one or more colons.

:Indent me!
::Me too!

Indent me
Me too!

You can create bullet lists by starting a paragraph with one or more asterisks.

*Bullet one
**Sub-bullet becomes

You can create a description list by starting a paragraph with the following syntax

*;Item 1: Something
*;Item 2: Something else

which gives

Item 1
Item 2
Something else

Similarly, you can create numbered lists by starting a paragraph with one or more hashes.

#Numero uno
#Number two

  1. Numero uno
  2. Number two
    1. Sub-item

You can mix and match list types:
#Number one
#Number two

  1. Number one
    • Bullet
  2. Number two

You can make various levels of heading by putting = signs before and after the text =

Level 1 Heading

Level 2 Heading

Level 3 Heading

Level 4 Heading

Level 5 Heading
Level 6 Heading

There is no Level 7 Heading

= Level 1 Heading =
== Level 2 Heading ==
=== Level 3 Heading ===
==== Level 4 Heading ====
===== Level 5 Heading =====
====== Level 6 Heading ======

You can create tables using pairs of vertical bars:

cell one cell two
big ol' line
cell four cell five
cell six here's a very long cell
||cell one || cell two ||
|||| big ol' line ||
|| cell four || cell five ||
|| cell six || here's a very long cell ||

lines must start and end with double vertical bars ('|')
cells are separated by double vertical bars ('|')
you can span multiple columns by starting each cell
with extra cell separators
but perhaps an example is the easiest way to see
|| lines must start and end || with double vertical bars || ('|') ||
|| cells are separated by || double vertical bars || ('|') ||
|||| you can span multiple columns by || starting each cell ||
|| with extra cell |||| separators ||
|||||| but perhaps an example is the easiest way to see ||

You can place images within a table.flag-germany.gif
flag-germany.gif But add a space after linking images!
flag-germany.gifor they won't work. (Yes it works!)
||You can place images within a table.|| ||
|| ||But add a space after linking images!||
||||or they won't work. (Yes it works!)||